How to care for jewelry

How to care for jewelry

It doesn’t matter what the jewelry is made of, but maintaining jewelry is just a must. Everyone has their beloved and precious jewelry to which they are attached. However, in order for them to always retain their original shine and beauty, it is necessary to follow certain rules: to wear them carefully, store them and take proper care of them. The last requirement raises the most questions because different types of jewelry require different care. Even if you handle jewelry with care, no one will protect you from the harmful effects of moisture, air, sunlight, and many other external factors.

Jewelry storage
Jewelry can age when it is not worn for a long time as chemical reactions with the active ingredients continue. However, adverse effects can be avoided by complying with the storage conditions.
• When placing an expensive piece of jewelry that will not be worn in the near future, you should wipe the entire surface with a soft cloth, flannel or suede is perfect. This procedure will help remove dirt and greasy deposits.
• It is best to store jewelry in special boxes that are lined with material on the inside. In such cases, the jewelry should not come into contact with each other, and especially expensive jewelry should be kept in individual boxes.
• As precious stones are exposed to heat and sunlight, it is recommended to store jewelry with stones in a cool place and in a box.

Jewelery care
When the jewelry is slightly abandoned, it should be soaked for 10-15 minutes. in a solution of water and soap. Then wipe thoroughly with a soft cloth.
All jewelry can be wiped with a special, jewelry cloth that will not damage the jewelry.
Gold jewelry cleaning
Gold products are adversely affected by chlorine and iodine, and their effects are especially enhanced by heating and high humidity. Gold jewelry is perfectly cleaned in a soap solution or a solution of water and dishwashing detergent.
 Add dishwashing liquid to warm water. The jewelry is briefly immersed in the solution. The surface is then gently cleaned with a soft cloth and hard-to-reach areas with a soft toothbrush. Then rinse with clean water. Be careful because some detergents may contain chlorides, which are dangerous to gold.
Silver jewelry cleaning
Silver is a very soft metal that fears even the slightest mechanical damage. Therefore, in order for silver jewelry to last a long time, it needs to be removed every time you do physical work. Silver products also do not tolerate contact with sulfur and its compounds, which are present in small amounts in air and human sweat. Therefore, silver jewelry needs to be cleaned more often than gold.
 Silver jewelry should be soaked in a warm soap solution and wiped with a soft cloth.
 To clean the darkening, wipe the jewelry washed with warm water with a soft cloth with ammonia. It is then washed with running water and dried.
Care of jewelery with precious stones
Diamonds are not afraid of external influences, so the main problem may be a yellowish surface coating or contamination at the point of attachment. A soft brush soaked in soapy water is best for cleaning the stones. After the cleaning procedure, it is necessary to wash with clean water and drain.
Rubies and sapphires easily tolerate almost all types of mild detergents. However, these stones are particularly sensitive to sunlight.
Emeralds require gentle care, so they are cleaned with a very mild soap solution and washed with water or special means. These stones are afraid of alkali, so when wearing an emerald ring, it is necessary to remove it before washing dishes, washing or working with household chemicals.
Topaz tolerates mechanical stress quite easily. However, for example, salt settles easily on this stone, so it is recommended to wash with distilled water.
Pearls do not like too much moisture, so it is not recommended to wet it strongly. The pearls are gently wiped with a soft cloth soaked in soap foam, and after cleaning it is necessary to wash with clean water and dry well at room temperature.

The following are not recommended for the care of jewelry:
• Aggressive detergents;
• Iodine;
• Washing powder, bleach;
• Acetone;
• Hard brushes;
• Chlorine-based products.
Expensive and valuable jewelry is best taken to a jeweler who will clean them professionally and safely.
