Why engagement rings with diamonds
If you've got an engagement ring on your finger, chances are it's encrusted with a diamond that glistens charmingly in the light. But these gems weren't always a symbol of love and commitment. Their first mission was to protect against the ""evil eye"", they were used as talismans to ward off ""evil spirits"", later - to cure diseases. Let's take a look at the brief history of the diamond ring and find out when it became the main symbol of engagement and marriage.
What is special about engagement rings with sapphires?
Did your loved one propose to you with a sapphire engagement ring? Have you ever wondered why he chose this particular gem? Engagement rings with diamonds and sapphires are among the most popular. Often, a precious stone is chosen for a reason, not only its color, shape and shine are taken into account, but also its symbolic meaning and history. We invite you to find out why sapphire symbolizes the beginning of the love journey of the two! The experts of the jewelry house "Auksinė Svajone" also shared what criteria are used to evaluate a sapphire stone and what determines the price of an engagement ring.
TEST: how to choose an engagement ring
An engagement ring is a symbol of love that reminds of feelings and conveys a unique relationship between them. When choosing an engagement ring, it is important to pay attention not only to the aesthetic features of the jewelry, but also to how it reflects the future bride's personality, her lifestyle and style. "Golden Dream" jewelry experts have prepared a short test to help you understand which engagement rings could be suitable for your loved one, so that at that exciting moment you hear the expected phrase - "YES, I agree!".
Wedding Ring Engraving
Meilės juvelyrika – vestuviniai žiedai – vieni svarbiausių ir reikšmingiausių papuošalų, simbolizuojantys pasitikėjimą, jausmų tvirtumą ir ilgaamžiškumą. Norėdami dar labiau suasmeninti vestuvinius žiedus, jaunavedžiai juos graviruoja porai svarbiais simboliais, datomis, inicialais. Juvelyrikos namų „Auksinė Svajonė“ kalbinti ekspertai dalinasi, kokie yra populiariausi graviravimo simboliai, kaip prižiūrėti tokius juvelyrinius dirbinius ir kokie yra vestuvinių žiedų graviravimo ypatumai.